Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Where I lived, And What I Lived For, response

I went into this reading thinking that i would not like it half as much as i did but after reading the first sentence of this selection i knew that this would be my kind of reading. I think that my favorite part of this selection is the theme of awakeness. "The millions ared awake enough for physical labor; but only one in a million is awake for effective intellectual expertion", this is my favorite quote in this section because it sheds light on the truth of life in todays society and that truth being the amount of time somebody can honestly say that they are truly focusing on the task at hand (whatever it may be). My other favorite theme in this book is simplicity. He regonizes another honest truth in this chapter when he says, "our life is frittered away with detail", i find this to be possibly the biggest truth of all time. We spend so much time with every little thing, getting frusturated, and sad over the smallest things and if we stepped back and took a look at the big picture 95% of the time we would realize that what we are stressing about is a very small detail of our life. All in all i really enjoyed reading this chapter.

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